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Frequently Asked Questions

We do our best to keep everyone involved with our school informed and up to date.  Sometimes we hear a question multiple times, therefore we have composed this list of the most asked questions and their answers.  If you do not find the answer you are looking for here, please reach out and contact us and we will respond with an answer as soon as possible.




  • Opened in 2005

  • Pre-K through Grade 5

  • Over 900 Students

  • Home of the Eagles!

  • Technology Focused

  • Common Core State Standards Curriculum

  • Achieved the school grade "A" for the 2015 - 2016 school year


Student Enrollment

  • 3 Pre-Kindergarten Exceptional Student Education Classes

  • 9 Kindergarten Classes

  • 8 First Grade Classes

  • 8 Second Grade Classes

  • 9 Third Grade Classes

  • 7 Fourth Grade Classes

  • 7 Fifth Grade Classes

  • Students with an Individualized Education Plan participate in general education classes whenever appropriate

  • Florida class size amendment requirements: K-3 (18 per class); 4-5 (22 per class); classes over the limit have an Associate Teacher


School Communication

  • Eagle Eye Newsletter: distributed bi-weekly through email and school website

  • School Website:

  • Eagle Folders: children bring home every Tuesday

  • School Messenger: phone/text message blast for emergencies and important reminders

  • School Phone Number: 903-547-7400

  • Teacher email and websites


School Calendar

  • School Events

  • PTO Events

  • Student Holidays

  • Assessments

  • The school calendar will be included in the student packet.  Reminders are sent to parents throughout the school year.


TCE School Schedule

  • 8:05 am -- Bus Arrival and Morning Drop-Off

  • 8:25 am -- First bell rings

  • 8:30 am -- Class begins for all students

  • 2:45 pm -- Dismissal process begins with Beyond the Bell (after school program) and first run buses

  • 2:50 pm -- Bus riders are dismissed

  • 3:00 pm -- Car riders are dismissed

** All students are expected to arrive at school on time each day.  They should be in class, ready to learn at 8:30 am.


Early Release Wednesdays


St Johns County School District releases students one hour early EVERY Wednesday for the purpose of professional development for teachers.

  • 1:45 pm -- Dismissal processes begins with Beyond the Bell (after school program)

  • 1:50 pm -- Bus riders dismissed

  • 2:00 pm -- Car riders dismissed


TCE Office Hours

  • Monday through Friday
  • 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 


Lunch at School

  • TCE Cafeteria Team provides a hot, nutritious lunch each day

  • Monthly menu on TCE website (

  • Student breakfast price: $1.25

  • Student lunch price: $2.80

  • Adult lunch price: $3.75

  • 100% recycling program in the cafeteria

  • Students may pack and bring a lunch to school

  • Drinks may be purchased at school

  • We ask that students do not bring soda for lunch


Student Dress Code/Code of Conduct


** The Dress Code established by St. Johns County School Board is followed at Timberlin Creek Elementary.


  • Clothing that is immodest, revealing, or distracting in character is unacceptable.

  • Head coverings, including but not limited to, caps, hats, bandanas, hair curlers and/or sunglasses, shall not be worn on campus unless required by a physician or authorized by school administration.

  • Students must wear shoes that are safe and appropriate for the learning environment. Elementary school students must wear shoes that have a back or strap on the heel. Sneakers or gym shoes allow students to be safe and active and are recommended at TCE.

  • Hair shall be clean and well combed or brushed. Extreme hairstyles will not be acceptable.

  • Skirts, dresses, shorts will be no shorter than four inches (4") above the top of the knee. Skirts shorter than four inches (4”) above the top of the knee worn with leggings or tights are not acceptable.

  • Tank tops and shirts are not acceptable-shoulders must be covered.


Children should wear clothing that will allow them to fully participate in the educational day without distraction!


Videos, Photographs, Recordings (NEW)

Students, parents and visitors are not allowed to videotape, photograph or make audio recordings while on school premises except for Open House and public events (including plays, musicals, fairs, fundraiser raisers, and awards/recognitions). All recording devices must be turned off at school. The purpose of this general rule is to foster an appropriate educational environment, prevent unwarranted disclosure of student images and information, and to comply with the requirements of the negotiated agreement with the St. Johns Education Association. (Student Code of Conduct, page 53.)


School Safety at TCE

Comprehensive Safety Plan


  • TCE has a school safety team that oversees and monitors the school safety plan.

  • SJCSD works closely with St. Johns County Law Enforcement to ensure a safe campus.

  • Safety drills are conducted in accordance with state mandates: fire, storm, hostile intruder, and Shelter in Place.

  • The school office is secure requiring that all visitors sign in and wear a visitor badge.

  • All school visitors must complete an application and criminal background check.


Student Absence, Late Arrival, Early Dismissal

*All children are expected to be at school on time every day and stay for the entire school day!


Student Absence
  • Please report your child’s absence to the front office at 547-7400 by 10:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. Upon return, send a note to the school office stating the reason for the absence.

  • Excused absences include: illness, death in the family, religious holiday of the student’s religious faith, doctor/dental appointment, special event with prior approval by the principal


Late Arrival / Early Dismissal
  • All students are expected to arrive at school in time to be in their seat in class by 8:30 a.m.

  • Parent must escort a tardy student into the office to sign him/her in for the day

  • Students requiring early dismissal from school must have a parent come into the office to sign the child out for the day.


Class Lists
  • The teaching staff at TCE is highly trained and very professional. Teachers truly care about all of our students and spend many hours planning for appropriate instruction for each student. Grade level teaching teams work together to plan and implement the adopted curriculum.

  • Florida state class size amendment requires that schools meet the following class sizes: grades K-3 (18 students) and grades 4-5 (22 students)

  • Class lists are very carefully built in order to create an engaging classroom environment for all students.

  • Student placement is based upon teacher input, parent input, and a balance in learning, social, and emotional needs


What is the best way to communicate with your child’s teacher?
  • Teachers will conduct a Curriculum Chat meeting for parents in the first few weeks of school

  • Every student will bring home a Tuesday Folder each week with important information and graded class work

  • Many teachers have a web page or share a classroom newsletter

  • Email and phone conferences are a good way to communicate with the teacher

  • Parent/teacher conferences are conducted during the school year


What if my child is struggling in school?
  • Stay in contact your child’s teacher. Find out how to support your child’s learning.

  • Timberlin Creek has a Multi-Tiered System of Support Team that will create and monitor an intervention plan for struggling students, if needed.

  • Timberlin Creek has certified staff to meet the needs of identified ESE students through their Individualized Education Plans.


After School Enrichment Activities
  • Several fee based enrichment classes are offered to students in grades 1-5 through Beyond the Bell, our extended day program. Classes offered in past years included: art, pottery, karate, Spanish, music, Lego, and recycling, to name a few.

  • Students in grades 4 and 5 can participate in Art Club, BETA, Chorus, Orff Ensemble, WSOAR Live Student News program, and student patrols


Where can I go if I have questions?
  • Always check the school website ( for school information, contact numbers, and dates.

  • Contact your child’s teacher with specific questions about your child.

  • Contact the front office at 547-7400 for school information not posted on the website.

  • Contact PTO with questions about volunteering and information about PTO sponsored events.

  • Contact Mrs. Hemingway, Principal or Mr. Bennett, Assistant Principal with questions about school policy, for assistance with unresolved issues, or for advice.


PTO Membership
  • Our PTO goal is to achieve 100% participation from all of our TCE families. It’s only a $15 per year membership fee per family (not per student!) and all of these dollars go towards supporting our students, teachers, and staff at TCE.

  • Membership does NOT require volunteering – simply supporting the PTO and our school.

  • However, if you can and want to volunteer your time – each PTO event requires support from our families to achieve success.

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